Sunday, August 30, 2009

blessings abound

...when one looks for them. take the benefit, for instance-- as is ever the case when an event has been planned for, at the last minute anything can happen, and lots can go wrong; or mayhap right. never have i been privy to such an amazing show, the musicians were wonderful and amusing... soulful and introspective, funnny and fun to dance to... ben gave some eloquent and thought provoking lyrics set to catchy, humble tunes. nicole rocked out in her certifiably profound and groovy music and songs. even in the wake of one key element not being able to attend, olympia came through for us in the end. another singer came last minute to fill the set, and what an energetic performance ches offered! i am still singing "i f-----g hate money" [much love and thanks to the performers for offering a g-rated performance for our lil guest of honor] while the show wasn't packed, the few that turned out offered so much; and not just in the way of giving money... three in the audience came up to offer beautiful spoken word pieces. sophie blessed us with her rhyme and rhythm [even reciting a piece that she loathes to perform!] pi offered a passionate rendition of mark gonzales' "as with most men." samer came down to offer his very personal vantage of life, living, and occupation in such stirring words and meter.

in the end, it was more of what i had envisioned in the beginning... a small, private party with friends, old and new, good food, healthy beverages, and the chance to build community and have fun together... sing, laugh, commune, listen, learn, dance... make a small miracle happen! a small group of people put on a beautiful event for a larger small group of people. to everyone who was a part of friday night, thank you!!! thank you for your love and support. thank you for all the words of encouragement! thank you for all the hugs and smiles, and stories, and dances. thank you for a very special night that reminded me that not everyone in the world sucks... and for this reason, i will keep striving to work toward a better tomorrow for all of us... and to all sentient beings, i wish a safe and peaceful night!

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