Thursday, September 10, 2009

giving up...

would be a consideration, if i could figure out where to go to fully resign from this life and current paradigm.  yes i want to be a positive change agent;  but i feel unworthy of even trying when lately i have been given over to so much doubt and apathy.  i can't go back on what i have learned and witnessed in my lifetime, yet right now everything seems so hopeless and pointless.  assuming i do fulfill my intentions of traveling and working in Palestine, Sudan, Thailand, et. al. -- i mean, honestly, what really can i change... well other than myself.  if i share a planet with 9+ billion other individuals, does it really come to anything if just a person here or there changes in the face of so much opposition and resistance.  and even assuming that all the armed conflicts in the world would miraculously stop, the power-grabbing and terror would end; but as a species, we still seem to be in more trouble than we can possible save ourselves and each other from... what with planet x on course to hit us, an epidemic on the verge of pandemic proportions, peak oil, food insecurity,genetically modified food, lack of biodiversity, desertification of our planet, dioxin in bottled water, climate change, water insecurity, etc . what chance does our species have to long last here on earth??  or is the better question: does our species really deserve to continue on this fragile planet after wrecking so much havoc, destruction, and devastation?  

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