this would be my introduction into the true realm of blogging. while i have maintained a blog on myspace for over five years, i find that now, more than ever, we need to connect as a global community and share our stories. mayhap only then by bridging the gaps of culture, gender, ethnicity, physical location we might, just might have a chance to co-create a better, more peaceful, more sustainable future. thus do i add my take here on life, humanity, community, the world, etc. with aforesaid intention.
i am a wandering Romani of multi-ethnic persuasion. born in california in 1980, i was raised on both coasts of the united states during my formative years. states such as california, rhode island, and virginia still hold a special place in my heart. as an adult, i roamed cross country, constantly seeking an environment that was safe, beautiful, culturally engaging, environmentally aware, and- above all else- felt like "home." the years passed, i attempted several times to settle down into the conformity of the status quo that is dominant american life. i worked several retail and factory jobs by day, while enabling my inner activist on the weekends with projects as varying as womyn's rights, gay/lesbian/bisexual/trans equality, food not bombs, anti-war activism, environmental issues, and animal rights. but this duality of my life was rendering me incapable of functioning at all. several mental and spiritual breaks/breakthroughs later, i emerged a stronger person with a passion to raise awareness and be a positive agent of change in this world.
thus, i moved to olympia, washington a year ago with the intent to go to the evergreen state college to finish my b.a. in visual storytelling and womyn's/feminist studies. i secretly wish to make a few documentaries and historical fantasy films in the future. to this end, i am planning on touring the world, asking questions, listening to others tell their tales, and photographing all that i see and do. with any luck, the college will give me credit; and i will end academia with a movie in hand!! this blog, mayhap, will be a pivotal part of realising my dream-- to ignite and incite others to action--even if that action is merely sponsoring me on my journey. :] more on that later...
so for all those who have taken time to read through this, i thank you for your time and interest. looking forward to this new beginning... new potentials and possibilities. to all i say, "namaste."
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